The Reader

Spring 2007  Page 6

Can You Spare a Textbook?

It's about numbers:

In 2006, SCC students borrowed textbooks from the library reserve collection 42,046 times.

There are close to 2500 items on reserve, including books, solution manuals, exams, and more.

A new Math 100 textbook costs over $80.00.  An Economics 100 textbook is over $110.00.

Library staff have committed a significant portion of the book budget to the purchase of textbooks, reducing funds for the general collection.

And it's about students:

Textbooks cost many students more than their tuition, fees, and parking combined.  Textbooks can add up to a month's rent.

Many classes require textbooks.  Students who have access to texts are more likely to succeed in class.

More access to textbooks keeps more students in school.

Faculty, you can help.  

  1. Contact your publishers rep. and ask for a copy of your textbook for library reserve.  Many publishers will provide a copy if the textbook has been ordered for a class.  Please do this early; students need the books from day one.

  2. When the copy arrives, take it to the reserve desk on the second floor of the library.  

  3. Fill out a short form to set the loan period.  Submit the form and the book.  There's no need to wait in line.

? Email Yolanda Escobar, Mary Ann Robinson or Lorilie Roundtree.
? Lorilie can also answer questions about placing certain items on e-reserves.

? Reserve form and information

Thank you!
The Library Staff and Learning Resources Committee

Click here to find out where the textbook dollar goes! 

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