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Gifts & Donations

SCC Library Gift Acceptance Policy

The Learning Resource Center will accept selected donations of books and other materials that will enrich the collection. The LRC reserves the rights to accept or reject gift items and to then catalog, display, or dispose of these items, as decided by the librarians responsible for selection. Gifts that are not added to the LRC collection may be given to other libraries or agencies, sold, or discarded. 

The Learning Resource Center staff will follow these criteria in accepting gifts of materials:

  1. Materials will be evaluated for appropriateness and added to the collection only after they have met the same selection criteria as materials that are to be purchased. Criteria include quality of content, relevance to the curriculum, condition, anticipated use, author’s reputation, comprehension level, favorable reviews, permanence or timeliness, language, and publisher. 
  2. Materials which are not generally added include: duplicate copies, except in the case of heavy use; older editions of titles already owned by the LRC; consumable materials, including workbooks, lab manuals, and tests; outdated titles; marked or worn materials; broken runs of periodicals, unless they would complete an existing run; ephemeral materials; pamphlets; and materials outside the range of the SCC curriculum.
  3. Gifts will not be accepted when the donor requires that they be kept together and not integrated into the whole LRC collection. 
  4. With the exception of materials pertaining to the history of SCC, the LRC staff cannot accept gifts of old or rare materials requiring protected status. 
  5. Gifts generally require more time to process than new materials. If space and time are not available when a gift is offered, the LRC staff may find it necessary to refuse the gift solely on these grounds. Donors must deliver gift materials to the library.
  6. Monetary gifts designated for the purchase of certain materials will be accepted provided that the materials meet the LRC selection criteria and are appropriate for use in the LRC.

Gifts will generally be acknowledged by letter, however the LRC will not provide donors with monetary evaluations of gifts. 

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Last update 08/18/2009 Sue Chen