Information for Faculty

NOTE: As of Fall 2010 you are strongly encouraged to use the PILOT tutorial rather than this one. PILOT includes a module on Web research that overlaps significantly in content and objectives with this one, so to avoid duplicating effort this tutorial is being phased out. Read more about PILOT on its About page.

This tutorial will remain live indefinitely for the benefit of those who have already adopted it into their courses, but maintenance and updating will be sporadic. Please notify Jeff Karlsen or fill out the feedback form to report dead links or other problems.

These are instructions for using this tutorial in your class.

The home page of the tutorial is:

You may choose to assign it with or without a quiz. There are two versions of the quiz:

  1. an online version designed to be used in Desire2Learn courses
  2. a pdf file that students can download at the end of the tutorial, print out and have graded at the library.


The only way to take the quiz online is using Desire2Learn. This quiz has the following features:


At the end of the tutorial there is a link to a PDF file containing a 10-question quiz. Students will download and print the file, fill out the quiz, and bring it to the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor of the library. A librarian will grade the test. If the student passes, s/he will receive a yellow proof of completion form to submit to you.


More details, including the mechanics of importing the quiz into your D2L site, can be found on a password-protected page. To get the password, contact Jeff Karlsen ( using your Los Rios e-mail address.